Knowles, Brand NOVACAPX7R High Reliability (16V to 10kV)

NOVACAP manufactures and tests X7R chips in accordance with MIL-PRF-55681, MIL-PRF-123, MIL-PRF-49467, or customer SCD. Product is designed for optimum reliability, burned in at elevated voltage and temperature, and 100% physically and electrically inspected to ascertain conformance to strict performance criteria. Applications for High Reliability products include medical implanted devices, aerospace, airborne and various military applications, and consumer uses requiring safety margins not attainable with conventional product.


  • 16V to 10kV
  • high reliability
  • X7R chips in accordance with MIL-PRF-55681, MIL-PRF-123, MIL-PRF-49467
  • X7R dielectric
Knowles, Brand NOVACAP

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